Ministop "Halo-halo Fruit Ice Wenzhou Mandarin"
Enter "Frozen Satsuma Mandarin" instead of ice!

From Ministop's "Halo-Halo" series, "Halo-Halo Fruit Ice Wenshu Mandarin" using "Frozen Satsuma Mandarin" was released on July 6th. Limited quantity, price is 320 yen (tax included).

Ministop "Halo-halo Fruit Ice Wenshu Mandarin"

Halo-halo Fruit Ice Wenshu mandarin is a halo-halo that uses sliced frozen Satsuma mandarin instead of ice. In addition, we add Unshu mandarin syrup, and you can enjoy a refreshing aftertaste while having a sweet taste.

It is a summer dessert where you can enjoy the crispy and cool texture, as well as the matching taste of sweet and sour oranges and rich soft serve vanilla.