Denny's "Meat Collaboration" Menu
Good! Good!

Golden Week limited "meat collaboration" menu is now available at each Denny's store. Plates with hamburger steak, pork cutlet, and fried chicken are on sale.

Denny's "Meat Collaboration" Menu
Provided on an iron plate

This is a hearty limited menu of popular Denny's meat dishes on one plate. You can enjoy beef hamburger steak and cut steak, ginger-grilled pork cutlet, chicken steak and fried chicken, and other dishes that you wouldn't normally co-star with at once.

The target menu is the following three items.

"W Beef Grill-Cut Steak & All Beef Hamburger", a collaboration of beef, 1,564 yen (tax included, same below).

Denny's "Meat Collaboration" Menu
Cow collaboration

"W Pork-Ginger-grilled & Herb Sangen Pork Tonkatsu", a collaboration of pork, 1,402 yen.

Denny's "Meat Collaboration" Menu
Pig collaboration

"W chicken-mate tea chicken chicken steak & fried tartar chicken", a collaboration of chicken, 1,186 yen.

Denny's "Meat Collaboration" Menu
Chicken collaboration

The sale period is from April 24th to May 6th. Why don't you go hungry with your family and friends?