Doutor Coffee "Sakura Fragrant White Chocolat Latte"
New menu to color spring

Spring-only menus, including new drinks, will be available at each Doutor Coffee store on March 1st.

"Sakura-scented white chocolate latte" is a latte drink that combines rich white chocolate with milk and cherry blossom flavors. Topped with whipped cream, cherry sauce, and fragrant matcha powder.

For the cherry blossom sauce, we use cherry blossom paste using domestic cherry blossoms and red beans from Hokkaido. It seems that it is finished with a deep taste. The price starts from 360 yen for short size (tax included, same below).

"Sakura crispy chocolate mille crêpes" is a sweet made by sandwiching whipped cream and cherry-flavored chocolate on crepe dough. Strawberry jam is sandwiched as an accent. The surface is decorated with sakura-scented napage and topped with cherry crunch. You can enjoy the scent of cherry blossoms, the faint saltiness, and the acidity of strawberries. The price is 410 yen.

Doutor Coffee "Sakura Crispy Chocolate Mille Crepes"
It looks gorgeous

"Milan Sand Camembert Beef & Chicken" is a "greedy Milan Sand" where you can enjoy two flavors in one. Half of the chicken is smoked domestic chicken with sakura chips and half of the salted and smoked pastrami beef is placed on the lettuce. Also topped with coleslaw salad and Camembert cheese. The refreshing coleslaw and the richness of cheese match the taste of each meat. The price is 450 yen.

Doutor Coffee "Milan Sand Camembert Beef & Chicken"

"Morning Cafe Set B Taramo Salad" is a new sandwich made with mentaiko and added yuzu to the slightly spicy salad. The umami and saltiness of bacon smoked with sakura chips goes well with the salad. The price is 390 yen with a drink to choose from.

Doutor Coffee "Morning Cafe Set B Taramo Salad"
Morning limited sandwich