Starbucks Coffee "Chocolate Sable Sandwich

Starbucks Coffee "Chocolate Sable Sandwich

Chocolate Sable Sandwich" is sold at Starbucks Coffee. According to my partner, it's a very popular product, and they often sell out in the morning. I went to two stores and managed to get the last one.

Starbucks Coffee "Chocolate Sable Sandwich

The deep brown color of the can is reminiscent of chocolate. The lid has a familiar mark and the back of the can has a design that looks like a Starbucks cup.

Starbucks Coffee "Chocolate Sable Sandwich

Inside the can, there are four chocolate sable sandwiches. As the name suggests, Starbucks original chocolate filling is sandwiched between the sables. The price is 1,300 yen (tax not included).

Starbucks Coffee "Chocolate Sable Sandwich
Lid size

The sable is light and crispy. The crunchy texture of whole wheat flour creates a pleasant accent. The aroma of the wheat is more pronounced than the sweetness, which gives a good impression.

The chocolate is very smooth in the mouth. I was expecting it to have a hard texture like a sheet of chocolate, but it was soft and delicate. It melts slowly with the heat of the tongue, spreading the flavor of the cocoa.

Starbucks Coffee "Chocolate Sable Sandwich

Of course, it goes perfectly with coffee. The sweetness of the chocolate with a hint of bitterness and the savory sablé will enhance the taste of the coffee. Try them together.

After you finish eating, you can use the can as a small container. With its sophisticated design, you can even display it as an interior decoration.